009 Certain Curtains (US) / Curtain Call (UK)

Watch the scene

Unsolved Mystery
Luke Foretells

Journal Entry
Luke the Prophet

Pick up three hint coins

Talk to Doland

Walk down

Enter the door on the left

Pick up three hint coins

Talk to Clark
(must have visited Luke's room)

Walk down

Walk down the stairs

Talk to Beth
(must have visited Luke's room)
(must not have visited ... after ...)

If Puzzle 009 isn't solved before visiting ... after ...
it will be sent to Keats at the start of Chapter 4

009 Certain Curtains (US) / Curtain Call (UK)

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3

Super Hint


The butler was referring to curtain B


230 Picarats and 52 Hint Coins

Luke's Door

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS

Professor Layton and the Last Specter Walkthrough

Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call Walkthrough