042 Angle Time (US) / Angle Anguish (UK)

Follow the path to the left

Pick up three hint coins

Carefully search the stalls at the back

Collection 13
Clown Mask (US) / Gloomy Mask (UK)

Talk to Shackwell

Optionally talk to Shackwell again

Enter the door at the top of the steps

Pick up three hint coins

Talk to Black Raven

Answer C then C then A

Mystery Solved
The Black Raven

Journal Entry
The Black Ravens

Talk to Crow

Go through the curtains at the back
(must have talked to Crow)

Pick up three hint coins

Carefully examine the stack of paintings beside the open crate

Collection 19
Bad Art (US) / Dreadful Painting (UK)

Talk to Crow

Unsolved Mystery
Cursed Witch

Journal Entry
The Flute at Barde Manor

Episode 04
Black Raven Day

Walk down

Walk down
(must have talked to Crow)

Continue down

Climb up the rope ladder
(must have talked to Crow backstage)

Walk down

Continue down

Walk right

Climb the steps to the right
(must have talked to Crow)

Walk up across the bridge

Walk up

Journal Entry
To Highyard Hill

Continue up

Climb up the hill

Walk up

Continue up

Enter the cafe

Talk to Greppe
(must have talked to Crow)

Walk down to leave the cafe

Walk down

Continue down

Walk left

Walk up

Continue up
(must have talked to Greppe)

Chapter 5
The Witch's Castle

Journal Entry
Frightened Townsfolk

Pick up three hint coins

Walk up

Look at the plaza

Pick up three hint coins

Talk to Maggie

Talk to Otaki-san
(must not have started Chapter 6)

If Puzzle 042 isn't solved before ...
it will be sent to Keats at the start of Chapter 7

042 Angle Time (US) / Angle Anguish (UK)

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3

Super Hint


The time 15:55 has the greatest angle


1555 Picarats and 156 Hint Coins

150 Lily Pad Leapfrog

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS

Professor Layton and the Last Specter Walkthrough

Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call Walkthrough