075 The Magic Paint (US) / Coats of Paint (UK)

Puppet Theater Action 16
(must have solved Puzzle 074)

Walk down to leave the hotel

Walk down

Continue down

Walk left

Walk down

Continue down

Walk right

Enter the library

Talk to Olga
(must have visited the excavation site)
(must have solved at least 50 puzzles)

Unsolved Mystery
Evan Barde

Journal Entry
Emmy's Findings

Journal Entry
The Story Told by the Archives

Talk to Goosey hiding in the corner
(must have visited the excavation site)
(must not have talked to Crow after solving Puzzle 091)

If Puzzle 075 isn't solved before ...
it will be sent to Keats at the start of Chapter 9

075 The Magic Paint (US) / Coats of Paint (UK)

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3

Super Hint


It took 5 brushstrokes to paint the design


2890 Picarats and 264 Hint Coins

074 Emergency Lighting

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS

Professor Layton and the Last Specter Walkthrough

Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call Walkthrough